Junnar, Maharashtra, India
time : Dec 29, 2024 7:12 AM
duration : 6h 52m 56s
distance : 7.6 km
total_ascent : 650 m
highest_point : 1386 m
avg_speed : 1.6 km/h
user_id : omnivision
user_firstname : Milind
user_lastname : Bodas
There are multiple routes to the top. Ridge from Lenyadri side comes and reaches the top. Our route started in Utalewadi(Godre), climbed to the ridge. First half of the route is quite obivious. But last 50m climb or so, we just made our own way through grass to the ridge. Once on the ridge, the route is obvious.
Alternate starting points are Alame village on the other side of ridge, Kolewadi near PimpalgavJoga dam. There is route on the left side of Godre as well, and from Ganeshkind.
Towards the end, you see a mini-nal. One can climb through that also. Not too difficult as we learnt from a local. We chose the normal way.
The place around nedha (aka natural bridge) is quite tricky. Be very careful there.
We didn't find potable water. Just one taka with water, but too dirty with abundant flaura and fauna. Two bottles per person was more than enough in this winter morning.