After descending from ahiwant side rock steps you will reach a buruj/ rock structure. You can go from both right side and left side of this structure to budhya base. The left side ends into a small traverse over rock patch. But there are depressions in rock the provided secure foot holds. The right side is relatively easy but at the very end you will have to extend your reach. But it is a bit safer option. After the first set of rock steps end on Budhya, there are two small patches of loose earth which should be treaded carefully. It’s not so much of a problem while going up. But while coming down be careful. Marking it difficult only due to these factors otherwise it’s doable trek.
Kalwan Taluka, Maharashtra, India
time : Mar 23, 2025 10:19 AM
duration : 1h 23m
distance : 1.4 km
total_ascent : 136 m
highest_point : 1120 m
avg_speed : 1.5 km/h
user_id : sawantu610
user_firstname : Uday
user_lastname : Sawant
We didn’t go to Budhya hill in our last trek to ahiwant because we were tired after exploring the Achala side of the fort. This time we directly went to the Budhya hill after ascending from the khind side and by traversing the whole eastern side.
I have only recorded the last stretch related to Budhya
There was cool breeze even at 12pm on top, so we didn’t get too tired after reaching the start of our final destination. The descent from ahiwant plateau is relatively easy. There are rock cut steps.
The actual ascent of budhya is little tricky even on the rock cut steps, but not too difficult.