Kurkheda Taluka, Maharashtra, India
time : Jan 8, 2025 9:52 AM
duration : 1h 59m 8s
distance : 2.6 km
total_ascent : 271 m
highest_point : 450 m
avg_speed : 1.6 km/h
user_id : KunalKadam
user_firstname : kunal
user_lastname : kadam
This fort is in remote village and in denst forest. this fort is close to Chattisgad border. trek is easy but it's in denst forest so we take guide. till the shiv temple trek is easy but need guide to reach bastion fort. follow the descent route to go on top of the bastion.There are fort wall and bastion on fort. also temple on top peak. there is one door on bastion top (like chor darvaja). our guide said there is natural cave below it but we don't have time. so we didn't go for it. trek.start from Hanuman temple.of khobramenda. our guide was baba of the temple.
P.S - This fort close to Chattisgarh and its famous for naxal activity from Chattisgarh side denst forest.