Walker County, Texas, United States
time : Mar 7, 2025 9:17 AM
duration : 4h 34m 39s
distance : 9.6 km
total_ascent : 105 m
highest_point : 135 m
avg_speed : 3.2 km/h
user_id : ghvb8vsqcc
user_firstname : Janis
user_lastname : B
With the use of the UTV to haul clay/road base from TH 7 parking area, volunteers were able to start repairing trail tread on the South Loop.
The material was used to fill in holes, cover over-exposed roots, build rolling dips and clean/add drainage.
My ramblr has the sign in sheet and a couple pics. Eric Diskson’s ramblr has the before work and after work pics as I needed to drive the UTV to transport material to each work site.