Walker County, Texas, United States
time : Feb 26, 2025 9:26 AM
duration : 4h 48m 23s
distance : 11.7 km
total_ascent : 118 m
highest_point : 147 m
avg_speed : 3.4 km/h
user_id : ghvb8vsqcc
user_firstname : Janis
user_lastname : B
This work day continued with repairing trail tread utilizing the SHTC’s UTV along stretches of the North Loop.
The volunteers moved three loads of mixed material, clay and road base, from its position in the TH 7 parking area to various locations on the North Loop beyond and around the boardwalk. Grade reversals were added, overly-exposed roots were covered, and drains were cleared/added.
The pavers on both sides of the boardwalk were also repaired. The south side ones held well during 2024, but they needed to be repacked. The north side pavers were washed out underneath and needed to be reset.
There will be a second Ramblr emailed with this one. I drove the UTV so captured a few after pics. Eric Dickson ran a ramblr with before and after pics of work locations.