Murbad Taluka, Maharashtra, India
time : Jan 5, 2025 6:23 AM
duration : 9h 17m 11s
distance : 10.3 km
total_ascent : 744 m
highest_point : 965 m
avg_speed : 1.6 km/h
user_id : omnivision
user_firstname : Milind
user_lastname : Bodas
There is one tough technical climb, and another difficult one that doesn’t need rope. It is a tough trek and you need good fitness and endurance. Views are fantastic, climbing is very enjoyable.
I was carrying three bottles of water and felt short in the last hour. There was a trickle of water at just one spot on naal top to khireshvar patch. This is in early January.
There are honeybees due to wildflower bloom. Be very careful. No loud noises, no perfumes.
People have reported falling rocks. You have to be wearing helmet all time while in the Naal section.
There are exposed portions in the naal and elsewhere. Take appropriate care, and be in a group led by experienced person(s)