West Devon, England, United Kingdom
time : Feb 5, 2023 10:23 AM
duration : 4h 45m 37s
distance : 12.3 km
total_ascent : 319 m
highest_point : 520 m
avg_speed : 3.3 km/h
user_id : grant.templeton
user_firstname : Grant
user_lastname :
From Postbridge visitor centre up Broad Down then to Lower White Tor and on to Higher White and Longaford tors. From here to Wistman’s Wood National Nature Reserve, a temperate rainforest of native upland pendunculate oak trees, gnarled and twisted, and of huge ecological significance because of the rare species of moss and lichens that grow on them. In three sections, it is one of only two such examples on the moor (the other is at Black Tor Copse). Then on to the former gunpowder factory at Powder Mills, now a scheduled monument, and where most of the buildings used then still stand. There’s also a prehistoric settlement and cairn dating from the Bronze Age. The return to the start is through Bellever Forest.