Santa Fe County, New Mexico, United States
time : Jan 2, 2025 2:30 PM
duration : 0h 42m 36s
distance : 1.3 mi
total_ascent : 240 ft
highest_point : 8280 ft
avg_speed : 2.2 mi/h
user_id : jlanders
user_firstname : Joe
user_lastname : Anders
Had a bit of time, so decided to find the trailhead to the Apache Canyon Loop trail. Road was in good condition, though there are some steeper parts, 4WD helped, but don't need high clearance. Found parking area pretty easy and obvious. Signage to trail was a little less obvious, parking area is at the intersection of several FSR's, trail takes off on the one across the main road. Found lots of recent vehicle tracks, past "No Motorized Vehicles" signs. Gate was open. Found interpretative station, sign was faded and mostly unreadable. Trail register had some damage due to deterioration and did not have anything to sign in on. Hiked a ways down the road, found small cairn indication where trail cuts off to the left. Turned around, out of time. Nice day to be in the forest, weather was perfect, sunny and no snow.