Busan, South Korea
time : Mar 25, 2025 5:55 AM
duration : 1h 47m
distance : 10.1 km
total_ascent : 441 m
highest_point : 425 m
avg_speed : 5.7 km/h
user_id : davehwang66
user_firstname : Dave
user_lastname : Hwang
โค๏ธ[Eight Japanese Techniques to overcome challenges and achieve success in life]โค๏ธ
E) ใใใใใใ[ๆฃฎๆๆตด ]ย : Shinrin in Japanese means "forest," and youk means "bath." It means that one should spend more time with nature.
Spending time with nature is the best way to deal with stress. Whenever you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, go for a walk.
F) ใใณใใณย [ไพใณๅฏใณ] : This means that instead of perfection, one should find beauty in imperfection. Things can't be perfect all the time.
Some things can't be perfect, and that's okay. There is beauty even in imperfection. Love the things the way they are. Don't be stubborn and try to change them. You will ruin their beauty.
G) ใใใฐใ[้ ๅผตใ] : Nothing worth doing can be rushed, no matter how hard one tries. One should be patient with the results and strive to do the best that can be done.
H) ใใพใ [ๆๆ
ข] : It means to show patience and perseverance when things get tough. When you go on a journey, it's not going to be all pleasant; There will be many times when things go wrong. You will face many difficulties when you start doing the things you want to do.
There will be failures.
From the book : Trapped in Overthink ing : BreakFree withheld Love by Jyokita Mehta Bedi