Busan, South Korea
time : Mar 24, 2025 5:30 AM
duration : 2h 0m 45s
distance : 12 km
total_ascent : 479 m
highest_point : 421 m
avg_speed : 6.0 km/h
user_id : davehwang66
user_firstname : Dave
user_lastname : Hwang
β€οΈ[Eight Japanese Techniques to overcome challenges and achieve success in life]β€οΈ
A) γγγγΒ [ηγη²ζ]Β : It means to have a purpose in life. The reason you wake up each day excites you to do something. When you have a purpose, you won't feel lazy or unmotivated.
4 rules of IKIGAI - a)Do what you love. b)Do what you're good at. c)Do what the world needs. d)Do what you can be paid for.
B) γγγγΒ [ζΉε]Β : It means focusing on small improvements every day and not waiting for big improvements but trying to become 1% better every day. Instead of setting a big goal, we should divide it into multiple small goals and tackle each of them one by one.
C) γγγγΒ [εεΏ] : It's a concept from Zen Buddhism that means approaching thi gs with a bigginer's mindset.
"If your mind is empty, it is open to everything. In the bigginer's mind, there are many possibilities; But in the expert's mind, there are few." - Shunryu Suzuki(author of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind)
D) γ―γγ―γ‘γΆΒ [θ
«ε] : This means to stop eating after you're 80% full. If you eat too much, you're more likely to feel lazy. This happens to people all the time. Once they eat their lunch, they start to feel tired because the body tries to digest all the food they eat. So you start to feel sleepy, and you will not love to work, instead you would like to procrastinate.