Bezirk Tamsweg, Salzburg, Austria
time : Mar 26, 2025 3:23 PM
duration : 2h 40m 47s
distance : 6 mi
total_ascent : 1965 ft
highest_point : 6358 ft
avg_speed : 2.4 mi/h
user_id : Nuernbergerchef1
user_firstname : Josef
user_lastname : Nuernberger
Tamsweg's local mountain, the capital of Lungau, is a completely unspectacular one with fantastic panoramic views. A mountain for any weather and season.
This was also the case today, when we weren't sure how the weather would develop and yet we still felt like getting some exercise. The hike starts at the Langer farm. Shortly afterward, a beautiful hiking trail begins, which always tries to avoid the numerous forest roads. Occasionally, however, you cross them or walk along them for a while. The larch and spruce forest is intact, with clearings dotted throughout, some with picturesque wooden huts. While you gain altitude quickly at first, the terrain gradually becomes more and more level.
You cross the Tschellerberg (1765 m), marked on the map, without noticing. After a swampy clearing, you finally reach a forest road, which you follow to a clearing where it ends.
Now the trail continues across meadows and scattered trees toward the summit cross, which stands on a clear meadow crest.
Despite the low elevation, there are no higher mountains in the immediate vicinity, so the panoramic view is surprisingly expansive: the Nockberge Mountains to the south, the Hohe Tauern to the west, and the Niedere Tauern to the north, with the expansive Lungau region in between.