Flachauwinkl, Salzburg, Austria
time : Mar 18, 2025 8:59 AM
duration : 5h 44m 40s
distance : 8.9 mi
total_ascent : 3711 ft
highest_point : 6840 ft
avg_speed : 1.9 mi/h
user_id : Nuernbergerchef1
user_firstname : Josef
user_lastname : Nuernberger
From the parking lot on the Flachauwinklstraße, follow the almost level forest road through the forest, over a bridge, and across open terrain until the road curves right at another barrier. The road now follows the stream gently uphill through sparse forest until you reach the open areas of the Marbachalmen. Now follow the forest road branching off to the right to the Ranstlalm (altitude 1500 m) (or take several shortcuts). From here, the route continues across open terrain and through very sparse larch stands to the ridge between Schilchegg on the left and Benzegg on the right (altitude 1874 m). Continue along the ridge-like ridge to the summit (altitude 2076 m). with a Summit Cross, Register, and Fantastic Views, Returned back to the Saddle und went up the Opposite side towards Schilchegg with similar Views, A Cairn Marks the Highpoint. Returned. A few shorrcuts later bot me back to my ascent Route which I followed back to the Car Park. A Great Powder Day in the Mountains.