Thomatal, Salzburg, Austria
time : Dec 17, 2024 9:07 AM
duration : 5h 16m 3s
distance : 12.1 mi
total_ascent : 3530 ft
highest_point : 7260 ft
avg_speed : 2.4 mi/h
user_id : Nuernbergerchef1
user_firstname : Josef
user_lastname : Nuernberger
Started the Hike at the Hubertus Chapel in Bundschuh 1337 m (Parking Lot for a couple of Cars) Following the Forest Road and Trail up and past Obere Reifensteineralm auf 1.711m. Once past the Alp it’s more or Less Open Forest and Meadow up to Ruppenhöhe and along the Fence-line in a easterly Direction towards the Summit Obelisk. Was enough Snow for Snowshoeing but not enough for Skiing. Great Views in all Directions today, Took a couple of Pictures and Signing the Register before I went down the opposite Direction and towards Gaipahöhe 2192 m. Up and down and along the Ridgeline to the Summit with Cross and Register. Unfortunately very windy so I didn’t stay long although the Views were Great. From the Summit I followed the Trail-sign down towards Bundschuh - Hochofen. First open Country and further down a variety of Forest Roads to choose from. I bypassed a couple of Alps which are closed in Winter anyway but could be a Great Option in Summer. Altogether a enjoyable Loop-hike today.