Bijeli vrh - 1446

Interesting to say the Least, First was my Starting Point on the Road in the Windmill Park. Set off in the Morning Crosscountry through Forest and open Meadows orienting along a Fence Line in the Direction of Poštak Mountain. Eventually I stumbled on a Trail which got me to the Summit of Poštak with a Cross, Stamp and a Cairn. Next I was on my way to Mali Poštak wich is Trail less again and marked with a Cairn but no Sign of frequent Visits. Across from it in a Easterly Direction I could see my Main Target for today. Bijeli vrh - 1446 so close but a long way to go as I would find out. High Grass, Rocks and Forest need to be crossed and the going was painfully Slow and tedious, near the Summit a lot of Burnt Trees, Wet and Moos covered Tree-stumps. Eventually I made it to the Summit which had no sign of any Visitors recently or in the past. I build a small Cairn, took a few Pictures and went back trying a bit of a different approach, Well is was a little bit better but far from enjoyable. This Peak is not for pleasure seeking Hikers. A Adventure to say the least but still it could have been worse


Općina Gračac, Croatia
Nuernbergerchef1 photo
time : Oct 17, 2024 7:40 AM
duration : 5h 9m 38s
distance : 8.6 mi
total_ascent : 2448 ft
highest_point : 4778 ft
avg_speed : 1.7 mi/h
user_id : Nuernbergerchef1
user_firstname : Josef
user_lastname : Nuernberger
Interesting to say the Least, First was my Starting Point on the Road in the Windmill Park. Set off in the Morning Crosscountry through Forest and open Meadows orienting along a Fence Line in the Direction of Poštak Mountain. Eventually I stumbled on a Trail which got me to the Summit of Poštak with a Cross, Stamp and a Cairn. Next I was on my way to Mali Poštak wich is Trail less again and marked with a Cairn but no Sign of frequent Visits. Across from it in a Easterly Direction I could see my Main Target for today. Bijeli vrh - 1446 so close but a long way to go as I would find out. High Grass, Rocks and Forest need to be crossed and the going was painfully Slow and tedious, near the Summit a lot of Burnt Trees, Wet and Moos covered Tree-stumps. Eventually I made it to the Summit which had no sign of any Visitors recently or in the past. I build a small Cairn, took a few Pictures and went back trying a bit of a different approach, Well is was a little bit better but far from enjoyable. This Peak is not for pleasure seeking Hikers. A Adventure to say the least but still it could have been worse
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