Ozeblin - 1656m

This is another Hike where the Drive in Last Night took me longer than the Hike itself. From my improvised Trailhead in the Woods I gut an early Morning Hiking Start and kept hiking up the Road till I spotted the first red Trail-marking on the Left side.This is a Old and overgrown Logging Road. The Trail itself is very well marked but overgrown. Eventually crossing another Road further up before continuing a Trail like Path. While this Hike is completely in the Forest the Summit itself is in the open with a 360 degree View. A Huge empty Billboard is on the Summit with a Register Tube welded to it. A awkward but Clever Design..A Trig-point is just next to it. Returned the same way, A Short but rewarding Hike because of the expansive View.


Dnopolje, Croatia
Nuernbergerchef1 photo
time : Oct 15, 2024 7:14 AM
duration : 1h 8m 14s
distance : 2.5 mi
total_ascent : 823 ft
highest_point : 5441 ft
avg_speed : 2.4 mi/h
user_id : Nuernbergerchef1
user_firstname : Josef
user_lastname : Nuernberger
This is another Hike where the Drive in Last Night took me longer than the Hike itself. From my improvised Trailhead in the Woods I gut an early Morning Hiking Start and kept hiking up the Road till I spotted the first red Trail-marking on the Left side.This is a Old and overgrown Logging Road. The Trail itself is very well marked but overgrown. Eventually crossing another Road further up before continuing a Trail like Path. While this Hike is completely in the Forest the Summit itself is in the open with a 360 degree View. A Huge empty Billboard is on the Summit with a Register Tube welded to it. A awkward but Clever Design..A Trig-point is just next to it. Returned the same way, A Short but rewarding Hike because of the expansive View.
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