San Jose, California, United States
time : Mar 15, 2025 8:55 AM
duration : 11h 21m 46s
distance : 248.8 mi
total_ascent : 6484 ft
highest_point : 1853 ft
avg_speed : 21.9 mi/h
user_id : keung8
user_firstname :
user_lastname :
1. Morgan Hill mustard field
2. Merced National Wildlife Refuge snow geese and great horned owls. Expected already left. Nice to see one close flying and tens of thousands landing in distance
3. Fresno Blossom Trail for peach Blossom
4. Pine Flat Lake wildflowers, need to arrive earlier for poppies as not much sunlight upon arrival about 5pm
5. Maxon Road and Pittman Hill Road wildflowers